At KinetX PT we specialize in offering progressive 1 on 1 care designed to prevent, evaluate, treat and rehabilitate injuries for active individuals of all ages.
We utilize an integrated movement approach combining neuroscience and musculoskeletal techniques to provide cutting edge treatment to create optimal strength, physical resilience, and manifest healing of the human body. We take pride in accelerating our patient’s return to activity in industry leading time by equipping you with a large toolbox of techniques designed to prevent reoccurrence of pain and improve performance.
1 on 1 Physical Therapy Sessions
Tune Up Visits
Kinetic Flow Classes

Why Us?
Faster results. Our average number of visits to discharge is nearly half of the national average.
Less time commuting back and forth between your work and your physical therapy clinic.
1 on 1 treatment with customized care leaving you with a better understanding of how to stay healthy and not get hurt again.
Ease of accessibility. Reach out to us at any time for assistance or questions you may have with your program.